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Holiday apartments in LA TREMBLADE

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Cheapest holiday rental : 263 € - 05 April 2025 for Camping Séquoïa Park à Saint Just Luzac (La tremblade)

Our barometer shows the evolution of the cheapest price and the average Price per week based on a 4 person apartment among 763 available holiday rentals in La tremblade

Our favourites



Children's club from 527 €/week on rental for 4 personss More details

Résidence-Club Sous Les Pins à Ronce les Bains

La tremblade  -  Atlantic coast

Are you staying in Résidence-Club Sous Les Pins à Ronce les Bains in La tremblade on holiday this year? If so, find the best priced deals for La tremblade and for holidays in Résidence-Club Sous Les Pins à Ronce les Bains by comparing the offers.

Village Vacances La Lande Océane Ronce les Bains

La tremblade  -  Atlantic coast

So, your staying in Village Vacances La Lande Océane Ronce les Bains in La tremblade for your holiday? Find the cheapest deal in Village Vacances La Lande Océane Ronce les Bains by comparing different offers in La tremblade.

Holiday rental Camping La Coulumiere

Camping La Coulumiere

La tremblade  -  Atlantic coast

You decide to spend your holidays in Camping La Coulumiere in La tremblade ? Before booking, find who propose the cheapest stay in Camping La Coulumiere, comparing holiday rentals in La tremblade.

Inspire Villages Marennes Oléron (Marennes Plage à 7km)

La tremblade  -  Atlantic coast

Is your next holiday going to be in Inspire Villages Marennes Oléron (Marennes Plage à 7km) in La tremblade? In order to find the cheapest price, find who offers the best deal for a holiday in Inspire Villages Marennes Oléron (Marennes Plage à 7km) by comparing holidays in La tremblade.

Les sables d'olonne(3 511 locations)
Résidence Néméa Les Grands Rochers
on 15 March 2025
169 €
Chatelaillon(556 locations)
Camping Deux Plages et Océan (Châtelaillon-Plage à 2 km)
on 17 May 2025
194 €
La baule(533 locations)
Résidence Goélia Royal Park
on 15 March 2025
210 €
Saint hilaire de riez(2 340 locations)
Camping Domaine des Salins
Camping Domaine des Salins
on 10 May 2025
185 €
Ile de ré(2 305 locations)
Camping Au Val de Loire en Ré
on 05 April 2025
214 €

Price per apartment and per week from

The holiday guide to rentals in Atlantic Coast

The Atlantique coast holiday guide has information on the must see tourist sites for your stay! With its chateaux, natural sites, gourmet delicacies, as well as days out for the family, there’s something for everyone throughout the holiday season in the Atlantique Nord region.

Good deals and exclusive discount offers