Northern Alps Holiday Rental Guide

The Northern Alps, where huge ski domains come together with charming mountain villages to form an incredibly diverse area. Across the three departments that make up the region (Haute Savoie, Savoie, and Isere) the mountains reign supreme, the centre piece being the Mont Blanc massif, perhaps the most well-known mountain chain in the Alps as well as the highest natural summit in Europe. The names of the ski resorts in the Northern Alps are widely recognised, with the remnants of the past giving the ski domains a high level of credibility and confidence, well known for their excellent snow coverage, unbeatable views, and the quality of the slopes. Don’t be led to believe that the Northern Alps are only for the sportiest people, or the most experienced downhill skiers – the region is also a great place for mountain hiking thanks to its stunning lakes and mountain villages, as well as other natural sites for which the region is renowned. Location Vacances Express will help you discover all of the best tourist sites in the Northern Alps for your next holidays!
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