Camping Les Fougères (Ile de ré)
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Good reasons to go there on holiday
Laundry facilities
Pets accepted
Housekeeping available
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Camping Les Fougères
841 Rue Charles de Gaulle
17940 Rivedoux-Plage
Looking for the best prices rental for Camping Les Fougères in Ile de ré? Before you book your stay in Camping Les Fougères, compare different offers in Ile de ré on HolidExpress in order to find the cheapest deal.
Price per apartment and per stay
(booking fees included)
Results on 15 March 2025 for 1 week
Our favourites
3-star campsite with indoor heated swimming pool, located just a few minutes from the beach More details
Price of apartments located nearby
Comparateur d'avis
78 / 100
491 avis du web
Note basée sur les avis du web suivants :
485 avis
6 avis
Good reasons to go there on holiday
Laundry facilities
Pets accepted
Housekeeping available
◀◀◀ Choose your dates of stay

Camping Les Fougères
841 Rue Charles de Gaulle
17940 Rivedoux-Plage
Looking for the best prices rental for Camping Les Fougères in Ile de ré? Before you book your stay in Camping Les Fougères, compare different offers in Ile de ré on HolidExpress in order to find the cheapest deal.
Price per apartment and per stay
(booking fees included)
Results on 15 March 2025 for 1 week

Our favourites

3-star campsite with indoor heated swimming pool, located just a few minutes from the beach More details

Price of apartments located nearby
Comparateur d'avis
78 / 100
491 avis du web
Note basée sur les avis du web suivants :
485 avis
6 avis